Hi there! I'm Laura, the artist behind Wannock Lane and all our designs! I live in London, working as a Visual Effects Artist however, I'm a sucker for stationery and so I love creating greeting cards and other illustrative pieces in my free time.
Wannock Lane was born at the beginning of 2020, I had always wanted to start a small business and had just gotten hold of an iPad, it seemed like the perfect time to give it a try. I always enjoyed making handmade cards for my family and friends, so it was a great opportunity to try and create some collections I could actually sell! I've always loved getting hand-written mail so I've tried to create the type of products that I would love to receive.
Thank you for taking the time to read about the story behind Wannock Lane and I hope you enjoy sending the cards as much as I enjoy making them!
Love Laura xx
If you'd like to discuss working together then please get in touch: wannocklane@gmail.com